
We track debris and satellites in space
We alert for collision
We provide full catalog of space objects
We build on our satellite constellation
Revolutionising Space Traffic Monitoring

Satellites in space require tracking as much as we need Google maps in our daily life. We know sat's position from many ground based stations around the world. Tracking position is crucial after launch to establish first contact, but also during everyday operation to manoeuvre from space debris.

And we are developing a such tracking service in Middle East. But instead of pricy ground-based station around the world, we monitor satellites and debris from space. This allows us to resolve particles < 1 cm, which was not done before. And we are also super fast, so you don't have to wait for days before getting updates.

Problem Addressed

If you look at night sky nowadays, there are dozens of satellites flying around. Actually, number of satellites is doubling every three years. Bad thing is that over 1 million pieces of dangerous debris are not making the space safer, and for now, we don't have technology to monitor small debris. This leads to many unnecessary manoeuvres and propellant wastage.

Our solution

N42.5 uses a constellation of cubesats with telescope arrays to track space objects. Each cubesat features CMOS sensors and high-aperture lenses, detecting dimm objects in a wide field of view.

Observable LEO debris size < 1 cm
Catalog capacity > 500k objects
Orbit determination time > 2 hours
Minimal orbit altitude 400 km
Cost of satellite $250k

Satellite camera simulation

This is a part of our MVP, where we simulate satellites, debirs, cameras, and orbit determination algorithms.

Our competitive advantage

  • Fast satellite tracking
  • Fullest catalog of space objects
  • Accurate collision alerts

Subscription bundles

  • Track your satellite
    • 2500$ / sat / month
    • Great for small teams
    • Ephemeris updated every 2h
    • Debris collision alerts
  • Track constellation
    • Fast orbit assessment after launch
    • Ephemeris updated every 2h
    • Dedicated monitoring
  • Access full catalog
    • Million $ per month
    • Space traffic reports
    • Fullest catalog with 1 cm debris
  • Consulting
    • Maneuver consulting
    • Dedicated monitoring
    • Launch tracking
    • Collision risk assessment

Services we provide

We do not approve spying on anyone, our priority is to make tracking accessible, and making space a safer place.

  • For satellite operators
    • Dedicated monitoring
    • Collision alerts
    • Rapid orbit assessment for newly launched spacecraft
    • Manoeuvre consulting
  • For scientific organisations
    • High altitude atmosphere monitoring
    • Space debris environment monitoring
  • For insurance companies
    • Collision risk assessment
    • Space debris reentry prediction
  • Miscellaneous
    • Space traffic reports
    • Full catalog access


Our target markets are Space Debris Monitoring and Removal, Space Situational Awareness, Space Assets Insurance, and Space Regulators. All those markets are following the exponential growth of the object population in orbit.

  • 19.000 new satellites to be launched by 2032
  • 6 mega-constellation operators
  • More than 25 space insurance companies
  • 1 operational and 3 developing competitors on the market
  • $10B TAM in 2024
Our Technology Readiness Level

We are at TRL 4. Our MVP is ready and operational on Earth. Now we are consulting with specialists in optics and navigation.

Our next steps:
  • Launch first satellite.
  • Validate service performance.
  • Deploy constellation.

And we are looking for investments.


We are based in Middle East. We are three co-founders, known each other for more than 10 years and all have 7 years of experience in space sector.

This is our email: team@n42.space

We also post sometimes: Linkedin

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